1.1 References 2
1.2 Definitions 2
1.3 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols 3
This document is a DICOM Conformance Statement for TrunkSoft ImageServer. It is intended to provide the reader with the knowledge of how to integrate this product within a DICOM compliant hospital network. It details the DICOM Service Classes, Information Objects, and Communication Protocols, which are supported by this product. If readers are unfamiliar with DICOM, it is recommended that they read the DICOM Specification (referenced below) prior to reading this conformance statement. Also note that this document is formatted according to the DICOM Specification, Part 2: Conformance.
1.1 References
ACR-NEMA Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, DICOM V3.0.
1.2 Definitions
Application Entity (AE) - An end point of a DICOM information exchange, including the DICOM network or media interface software; i.e., the software that sends or receives DICOM information objects or messages. A single device may have multiple Application Entities.
Application Entity Title - The externally known name of an Application Entity, used to identify a DICOM application to other DICOM applications on the network.
Application Context - The specification of the type of communication used between Application Entities. Example: DICOM network protocol.
Association - A network communication channel set up between Application Entities.
Association Establishment - An Association Establishment is the first phase of communication between two DICOM Application Entities (AEs). The AEs use the Association Establishment to negotiate how data will be encoded and the type of data to be exchanged.
Called Application Entity Title - The Called AE Title defines the intended receiver of an Association.
Calling Application Entity Title - The Calling AE Title defines the requester of an Association.
DICOM Message Service Element (DIMSE) - A DIMSE defines the services and protocols utilized by an Application Entity to exchange messages.
Information Object Definition (IOD) - An IOD is a data model that is an abstraction of real-world information.This data model defines the nature and attributes relevant to the class of real-world objects represented.
Service Class Provider (SCP) - A Service Class Provider plays the "server" role to perform operations and invoke notifications during an Association. An example of a Storage Service Class Provider would be an image storage device. In this case, the image storage device stores the image that was sent by a Service Class User.
Service Class User (SCU) - A Service Class User plays the "client" role to invoke operations and perform notifications during an Association. An example of a Storage Service Class User would be an image acquisition device. In this case, the image acquisition device creates and sends a DICOM image by requesting that a Service Class Provider store that image.
Service/Object Pair (SOP) Class - An SOP Class is defined by the union of an Information Object Definition and a set of DIMSE Services. A DICOM Application Entity may support one or more SOP Classes. Each SOP Class is uniquely identified by an SOP Class UID.
SOP Instance - A specific occurrence of an Information Object.
Transfer Syntax - The Transfer Syntax is a set of encoding rules that allow DICOM Application Entities to negotiate the encoding techniques (e.g. data element structure, byte ordering, compression) that they are able to support. The Transfer Syntax is negotiated during Association Negotiation.
Unique Identifier (UID) - A Unique Identifier is a globally unique, ISO compliant,ASCII-numeric string.It guarantees uniqueness across multiple countries, sites, vendors, and equipment.