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吴伟斌 肖强 陈联忠 黄家驹 王伟中 丁效军 石凌波 张立朝 李小华
[摘要]目的 研究与开发电子病历(CPR)系统,以实现病人信息的采集、加工、存储、传输和服务。方法通过功能模块、数据流程、系统特性三方面来描述CPR的系统设计;通过建立结构化病历,开发文本编辑器,建立数据库安全性技术、在线帮助知识库、实时监控技术、打印控制技术以及功能扩展技术来实现CPR系统。结果通过上述技术建立起来的CPR系统已在我院34个临床科室使用。实践证实,该系统运行良好,安全稳定,易维护,通用性好,提高了医疗质量和临床工作效率。结论 1.建立结构化病历是实现CPR的基础;2.开发专用编辑器是实现CPR的关键;3.拥有完备的数据库安全性技术是启动CPR的保障;4.构建在线帮助 “知识库”是辅助医生提高临床决策水平的有效途径;5.CPR系统是提高病历质量的有效措施;6.CPR是提高病历书写效率的有效方法。
[关键词] 病案系统;计算机化;医院信息系统
The research and development of computer-based patient record system
Wu Wei-bin*,Xiao qiang,Chen lian-zhong,et al. *Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command, Guangzhou 510010, China
[Abstract] Objective Computer-based patient record (CPR) system was studied and developed to realize the collection, processing, storage, transmission and service of patient information. Methods CPR’s system design was described by function modules, data flow and system characteristics. The real CPR’s system was accomplished through creating structural patient record, developing literary style editor, setting up the techniques of database security, on-line assistance knowledge base, real-time monitoring, print controlling and function extending. Results The practice has proved that CPR system runs normally, safely, stably and compatibly, Moreover, it is maintained easily. Being used in 34 clinical departments of our hospital, the system has been identified to enhance medical quality and clinical efficiency. Conclusion 1. Creating structural patient record is the foundation of realizing CPR.2. Developing specialized editor is the key of bringing about CPR.3. Possessing prefect database security technique is the safeguard of creating CPR. 4.Building on-line assistance “knowledge base” is an effective way to help doctor to raise clinical decision levels. 5. CPR system is a valid measure to improve patient record quality. 6. CPR is a good method to increase the patient record writing effectiveness.
[Key words] Medical records systems; computerized; Hospital information systems
电子病历是应用计算机技术实现的信息化病历。电子病历除了包括纸张病历的所有静态信息外,其更重要在于信息化带来的各种功能扩展和相关服务。电子病历系统是支持电子病历的一套软件系统,实现病人信息的采集、加工、存储、传输和服务。由于病历是病人信息的载体,病历信息化在临床信息学中处于核心的地位。同时,随着《医疗事故处理条例》、《病历书写基本规范》,以及《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》的实施,对病历质量及病历管理提出了更高的标准和更严的要求。因此,研究与开发电子病历系统既是医院信息化的重要课题, 也是医院尽快适应医疗事故处理条例及配套文件急需解决的问题。
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