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PACS 影像数据存储分发管理机制的研究
(第三军医大学西南医院信息科, 重庆400038)
[摘要] 随着存储设备和网络性能的提高,面向全院的PACS 越来越受到关注。影像数据量大,集中存储已不能满足应用的
和临床工作站上, 存储影像数据的部分集。病人的检查影像由分中心服务器依病人检查申请单的开单科室转发到相应的分发服务
[关键词]影像设备; PACS ;D ICOM
[中图分类号] TN919. 85 [ 文献标识码]B [文章编号]1007 - 7510 (2003) 09 - 0020 - 04
Research of ima ge data stora ge and distr ibute strategies in PACS
L I Gui - xia ng ,WAN G Fa ng
(Depa r tme nt of Info rmat io n of So ut hwe st Ho spit al of Thi rd Milit a r y Medical U nive rit y ,Cho ngqing 400038 ,China)
Abstract :Wit h t he increa sing imp ro veme nt of sto ra ge equipme nt a nd netwo r k pe rfo rma nce ,t he whole ho spit al PACS i s
being at t ached mo re a nd mo re impo r t a nce . Facing wit h a ma ss of ima ge dat a in t he PACS ,t he ce nt ralized - sto ra ge i s not
adap t ed to t he dema nds of t he p ract ical applicat io n. Our st udy p ut s f a raway a di st ribut ed sto rage app roach which ca n
rapidly di splay e xaminat ing image of p at ie nt s : tot al collect io n of ima ge dat a i s sto red in t he ce nt ral se rve r . In dia gno st ic
wo r kst at io n a nd clinical wo r kst at io n pa r t ial collect io n of ima ge dat a i s |
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