About Voxar 3D
Welcome to Voxar 3D™ 5.1, a PC-based medical imaging program that allows you to:
Store and organize CT, MR, PET, CR and Secondary Capture images in DICOM format
This includes importing images, querying other DICOM devices for images, receiving images pushed from other DICOM devices, pushing images to other DICOM devices, and exporting images.
Display and manipulate images using a variety of views:
2D views that display images in their original state
MPR (Multi-planar Reformatting) views that display a volume generated from a set of images, and allow you to view any plane within that volume
3D views that display a volume in three dimensions
Take captures of views and distribute them to patients and clinicians
This includes organizing captures in the same way as images, and printing and e-mailing captures.